Women Must Know The Risks of breast Cancer

Most of the diseases of the breast are benign. But the malignant disease, if diagnosed early, may be subject to effective treatment in a complete cure.

Breast cancer is the most common tumor of the female population and is the second leading cause of death after Cerdiovas Colari diseases, in women between 35 and 75 years. It is estimated that about 1 in 13 women during their lifetime will be affected by this disease.

Breast cancer showing a relative increase with age, exceptional under 20 years, rare between 20 and 29 years, gradually becoming more frequent from 30 years, reaching the highest values during the menopausal and post-menopausal, aged 45 to 60 years.

As with most Cancers, including breast cancer, the cases are still unknown, it is therefore impossible to make a primary prevention, that is , against the causative factors. the most important risk factor is age, however, followed by other items listed below.

A) Demographic and sociological indicators:

- Age
- Rich Western populations
- Well-off social classes

B) the constitutional and reproductive factors:

- Families at high risk
- Age at menopause
- Obesity or overweight postmenopausal
- Early Menarche
- Height
- Nulliparity
- Primigravidanza late
- Lack of breast milk or short

C) Environmental Factors:

- Ionizing Radiation
- Diet high in pre-pubertal and pubertal
- Lack of physical activity in young age
- Diet high in saturated fat and animal protein
- Consumption of alcohol
- Diet low in fruits and vegetables

Diagnosis and prevention. Early detection of cancer allows surgical and medical therapy to ensure a real cure of the disease. An early diagnosis can only be achieved through regular and systematic monitoring of the breasts.

Breast cancer is the top made of a single malignant cell, which divides giving rise to two malignant cells and so on. In this growth, the cancer becomes clinically diagnosed when it reaches a diameter of about 1 cm. E 'was calculated that to reach this size takes about 6 years.

Many studies have shown that more than 5% of tumors with diameters less than 1 cm did not spread to the axillary lymph nodes, have thus remained confined to the breast, improving greatly the chances of recovery. This is because the cancer is diagnosed when he fails again cm in diameter.

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